Why this site exists

Site Admin
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2021 9:34 pm

Why this site exists

Post by admin »

Hello, and welcome to his hands and feet. The goal is this site is to establish a community of fellow servants in Christ so they can meet, connect, network, share and pray.

One part of the body cannot function as a whole and that is why we need each other. Each part has strengths, weaknesses and offers some kind of measure or portion of hope, healing, nurturing, mentoring, and discipleship for the purpose of sending.

With that said, we need each other in order to help those we serve to become disciples of Christ and send them into the world to repeat what we do.

For now, the communication forum is divided into three main areas.

Ministry Connections - This is for existing ministries to connect, share, and network.

Fellowship and Small Groups - This specifically for small communities, ministries, and small groups that are focused on serving returning citizens, their families, and the families of the incarcerated.

Prayer Network - This is intended to post prayer concerns for the group to pray for. The other goal is to find prayer partners, warriors, and intercessors to support and back us all. Once they are gathered, this spot will be their area to see the prayers and do their thing.

How this all works out or evolves is up to God and our willingness to use this site.